Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Love or Riches?

Okay, now this just seems like a question with a fairly obvious answer if you ask me! I don't know anyone in there right mind who would pick love over money! You know that old saying! Money can buy you happiness but love can't. Everyone knows that's completely 100% true!* I know you're probably thinking this is just awful and how can I think these things? Well, lovers a dime a dozen nowadays and it's really a greater feat to become rich it seems. Plus rich people always get with ridiculously attractive people, sure it's because they're wealthy but who cares! Is anyone really in love these days?! NO! It's all about sex! That's the modern way of the relationship and it's only getting worse. Let's face it everyone's relationship can't be a scene straight out of Casablanca, everyone only dreams it will be! But hey at least your life can be a scene ripped out of Richie Rich. (besides all that stupid villainous crap)

* Not actually 100% verified

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Captain Quirk

Oh ho ho ho, I've seen some crazy ways of spending money in my days (which aren't too many) but this has got to be the stupidest I have ever seen. It seems that the british billionaire Richard Branson has lost a bet and will be assuming the role of a stewardess on an airline. Oh, but that's not the best part YOU (Yes that's right YOU) can shave his legs! Yes, you can shave Branson's legs for the small fee of $650 000... No you didn't misread that you had have to pay $650 000 to shave a mans legs! Stupid? Yes. Quirky? Yes A Complete waste of money? Abosulutely.

Does camel beat all meat? (Compliments to Tyler Hallman for that) Well according to one lone egyptian businessman, yes it does! He goes on to say how camel meat has less fat than any other meat which I think could make it quite popular over here. He also explains that it is already such a popular food where he lives which is why I'm surprised I have never heard of someone eating camel. Now I don't know about you but I would NOT stuff some dirty camel in my mouth, just look at the photo below and tell me that looks appetizing.

Simply Delicious

Monday, March 28, 2011

Trip to Some Place

     When I was much, much younger my family and I went to some random place where we decided to take a ferry to an island. I don't really remember the place we were or the place we were going but I do remember that ferry ride... vividly. It was a surprisingly hot day when we decided to go on this so-called ferry ride so that just made this day all the worse. We walked over and began to board the ferry, it was fairly crowded and made this first experience for me not so good. The beginning of the ride was alright my young self was sitting on the deck watching segulla fly next to the ship but that soon grew tiresome so I decided to find something better to do. I quickly found an arcade located not far from where my parents were sitting so I decided that was the best thing to do.
      I walked over to my parents and started endlessly asking them for change. I had seen the arcade and now I wouldn't rest until I held a joystick in my hand. After a solid ten or so minutes of asking I finally got my precious change, I quickly turned them in for tokens and I was off. Now this is when the trip hit it's high point for me; playing Street Fighter 2 with some random asian kid who obviously played this game a little too much. After losing several times I was out of tokens and was back to square one, once again bored I went looking for something to do.


Friday, February 18, 2011

The Oscars

I'm going to watch the oscars.


I have no strong feelings about politics one way or another. They really have no impact on most peoples school lives at all, I mean half the student body doesn't even vote because why would they? They have no incentive to ever even think about voting because no one really knows what the co-presidents do. From what I've noticed in the past few years at this school, they do nothing. It's as simple as that they basically do nothing except for occasionally speaking at assemblies and even when they have to do that either one or both of them are missing. To me this whole thing seems like a big waste of time.
            In my opinion I think that the co-pres’ should be chosen by the staff, you know some actual intelligent people who will know who can benefit our school. When students vote they pretty much just choose for their friend or whoever is the funniest. They don’t look at a single quality that could make them a good co-pres and they really just don’t care. So do I think that this political crap is important in our school? Hell no, and I never will.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I've got two tickets to paradise baby

To my beloved Scarlett Johansson

        I know we have not seen eachother in many a day but I am afraid we can no longer be together. As much as I love to have you with me this all needs to stop. I know that I said I loved you but I'm afraid it was just a terrible case of infactuation which is indeed lethal to my kind. I just loved seeing you up on that screen, you were just so darn attractive and I had to have you, but no more!
        Now I know you'll want to know what other reasons there are and I won't keep that from you my darling. Ms. Piggy is really starting to think something is up, she found your bra under the bed and I had to lie and say I bought it for her. Needless to say she didn't buy it seeing as how it was way too big but it was worth a shot... for you.
        I really can't believe I'm doing this right now, I mean, you threw away your relationship for me! I know you'll hate me my precious dove but this is something that must happen. I'll miss you watching me as I play bango and when you'd stop me from overdosing on my various hardcore drugs but I have a wife for that, I mean sure she's a pig and has a rather serious weight problem but heck, she's still my wife! You know when I said it wasn't easy being green? Well, I wasn'y lying it's gosh darn hard to put up with that pig of a wife!
       Oh my gosh! I can't do this my lovely moist honey dew melon, I must have you! Listen we can just have one last fling and then see where things go from there, I know you won't trust me after the rest of this letter but I need you now! I've got two tickets to paradise baby so pack you're bags and we can leave tonight... or rather whenever you get this letter. Hopefully that is by Valentine's Day because I will definitely need you then my graceful little vole! Please respond as soon as you can, I will be staring at the mailbox until I receive your reply. I miss you my gorgeous cloud of marijuana smoke floating in the breeze! I shall see you soon!

Your beloved, Kermit T. Frog

Friday, February 4, 2011

Interview Spoof

Late Night With Burt Nexon

This is a link to the spoof interview that Ethan and I did for our interview assignment. I hope you enjoy it even though we had to do it in a short period of time and it didn't exactly turn out the way we planned it. Anyways, enjoy this fabulous interview of biblical proportions.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dagon The Fish God Appreciation day

There are many gods and it may be hard to pick just one from the litter but for me one stands out more then the rest. That god my friends is Dagon the Fish God! He was once the god of the phillistines and the symbol of a fish in human form was really meant to represent  fertility and the vivifying powers of nature and reproduction. The Babylonians had an ancient myth that a being emrged from the Erythean Sea who was part man part fish. Now I don't know about you but that's pretty hard not to believe and if you don't I find your lack of faith disturbing. This truly epic god deserves a day to honour his wonderful being and to be remebered as the greatest god of them all. If anything he truly needs to be remembered because in all honesty who has even heard of Dagon? No one? I thought nought but nevermind that take some time out of your day to think about how this god hasntruly changed the way we look at life today because he definitely has had a very large impact on everyone's life; you all just don't see it yet. ALL HAIL DAGON THE FISH GOD!

EDIT: This just in folks, I've made a shocking discovery about Dagon! It appears as though people are still worshipping him today just under a slightly different name and form. Now just look at the picture below the resemblence is uncanny! I never thought in a million years that this god would return in a new form! But it is seen in this photo that it has been going on for years and no one even knew this. I really hope that this has opened everyone's eyes to the power of Dagon the Fosh God.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

My anticipation for Dead Space 2

     I'm a horror fan. I'm just going to get that out of the way before I delve to deeply into this post but yeah I can't get enough horror to save my life. I guess I've always kind of been this way seeing as hwo I've been playing horror games since I was old enough to hold a controller and also the fact that I like most horror movies no matter how bad and/or cheesy they may end up being. Now a lot of you might not like horror or games or might not know what the hell Dead Space 2 is, If any of those things apply to you I would stop reading this post right... about... now! So it was october '08 when I purchased the original Dead Space and at the time I had been dissapointed by the lack of survival horror games that were actually good; Resident Evil had fallen into the depths of an action game and the F.E.A.R. games were just first-person shooters with a few scares here and there but really there has been nothing that had gotten me riled up. Dead Space changed all of this, I can't of a moment of this game that I didn't love and I'd stick by that statement to the death. It felt like such a breath of fresh air getting away from all of the call of dutys and other shit that's churned out every year.

     Now it's 2011 and in a mere 5 days the glorious Dead Space 2 will be shelves for me to get my greddy little hands on. I have been waiting for this moment ever since I witnessed the conclusion of the first game 2 years ago and I can't believe that it's actually here. I have been trying not to watch too much gameplay on it as I want most to come as a surprise to me and as of right now the only extended piece of gameplay that I've seen has been the demo which made me lose any doubts that I possibly had for the game. In all honestly I'm really hoping this game lives up to my expectations and keeps me on my toes throughout while offering some intense action sequences and awesome boss fights. I know most will just mark me off as nerdy and thinking that I have no life for being so excited about a video game and to them I can kindly say, "I don't care." I will get more enjoyment out of playing this game then most will get out of any movie, book, album, anything! Call me crazy, nerdy, obsessed, whatever I'm still gonna love this game and I am still going to die waiting the next five days to play it.

My Thoughts on Graffiti

      I really could care less about graffiti; I don't do it, I don't want to do it and I probably never will do it. With all that said I really don't see what the big about it is. I mean it's just people making a boring old wall or some shitty old overpass into a work of art. I will admit that sometimes graffiti sucks and it's just not to nice to look at but whatever people are just going to have to learn to deal with it because I'm guessing it's not going to go away any time soon. In all seriousness though does this graffiti really affect anyones lives to much? Is it really hurting anyone in any way? No, I didn't think so it just sits there and does nothing. Honestly is anyone reallys going to care if some graffiti showed up on somethig they see every day (i.e. the school)? Probably not, they'll just go on with their lives but for some reason society has depicted this as a terrible act of vandilism.

        Now I haven't really gone anywhere with this and the truth is I'll probably just ramble on for another 20 minutes but who cares its writer's craft, right? Now I think that these vandals could indeed be artists if they really set their mind to it and did actual art instead of their stupid looking graffiti crap and in all reality anyone who does graffiti is just someone who probably couldn't make it in the art world or it's just a cry for attention and a way to go against society. If either of those are the case that's just freakin' sad! Oh you're not getting enough attention from mommy and daddy so you go spray paint some illeligible crap on a wall? Please spare us your attempts to rebel against society and leave everything as it is.

So far I've been fairly nice to the vandals (except for the last few lines of the last paragraph) but I'm about done being nice seeing as how I changed my mind half way through typing this post. In my opinion all these dirty vandals should be round up and executed! It should be a public event too, "Hey everyone, watch us vandalize the sidewalk with their brains!" Ah, that would be the day vandals being used as a from of vandlism it's a sort of ironic poetry we don't get enough in today's society. Now some people may say "But that seems irrational and mean!!" Well you damn babies how bout we climb back up in the womb and do it your precious "civilized" way and use some lethal injections! Does that sound good to you? Well it better because hopefully the future will be different, and not have mercy for stupic f***'s like these "artists" and put them where they belong: rotting in a cell with some guy named White Power Bill who's made them his bitch and intends to do unspeakable acts to them. Well that's my thoughts on these vandals thank you have a good day!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Best (to Come) in 2011


1. Uncharted 3
2. Resistance 3
3. Dead Space 2
4. LittleBigPlanet 2
5. Killzone 3
6. Marvel vs. Capcom 3
7. InFamous 2
8. Gears of War 3
9. Portal 2
10. Bulletstorm


1. Battle: Los Angeles
2. Super 8
3. Sucker Punch
4. Cowboys and Aliens
5. The Green Hornet
6. Rango
7. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
8. Green Lantern
9. Captain America: the First Avenger
10.  Paul

My Opinions on Writer's Craft

Some of the activities I've found interesting in this class would be the editorials because I just find stuff like that easier to complete on time then let's say a story we come up with completely from scratch.
     The assignments that really bore me and/or drive me nuts are the blog entries you assign us simply because I just really don't like having to think of how to answer certain things and I would much rather come up with my own topics every week.
      As far as blogs go I moderately enjoy them when I get an opportunity to write about something I want to because It gives me a little bit of freedom and allows me to actually enjoy myself when writing.
      Now for the upcoming units... I really don't care for anything coming up except for short stories I suppose and I really wish we would've gotten to do more editorials of some sort because I would really like to get better at writing them.
       I feel I could improve on just about everything there is to improve on I really am not trying very hard at anything in this course and I really need to step up my game here and get my mark up because I already know it's going to be extremely low.
      As for what you could do to make me smile when I'm all old and such, could I possibly get some extra assignments to boost my mark up because I already know that I'm going to have to and I really want to improve how I'm doing in this class and also could I do something other than poetry I know it seems ridiculous but I really don't care for it and I doubt that I'm good at it. Now don't get me wrong I'll do poetry if I have to but i would just prefer not to. That is about all I have to say about the lovely class of writer's craft and to that I say good day.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Top 10's of 2010


1. The Wonder Years - The Upsides
2. You, Me, and Everyone We Know - Some Things Don't Wash Out
3. Hellogoodbye - Would It Kill You?
4. Motion City Soundtrack - My Dinosaur Life
5. Four Year Strong - Enemy of the World
6. The Morning Of - The Way I Fell In
7. Jimmy Eat World - Invented
8. The Graduate - Only Every Time
9. Underoath - Ø (Disambiguation) 
10. My Chemical Romance - Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys


1. Red Dead Redemption
2. Heavy Rain
3. God of War III
4. Dead Rising 2
5. Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
6. Battlefield: Bad Company 2
7. ModNation Racers
8. Spider-man: Shattered Dimensions
9. BioShock 2
10. Call of Duty: Black Ops


1. The Social Network
2. Toy Story 3
3. Inception
4. Kick-Ass
5. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
6. The Town
7. Machete
8. How to Train Your Dragon
9. Shutter Island
10. Despicable Me 

Well, that's it folks! That's pretty much my opinion on the media released in 2010. Oh and so everyone knows the movies list was particularly hard because I haven't seen a few movies I think would be on that list (True Grit, the Fighter, Buried). So tell me what you think of my choices and also feel free to say your favourite things of 2010.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

letters and numbers


Now at first glance you might be thinking that this post was just complete and utter laziness but I hid a message in there, see if you can find it yourself!!! I do warn you though it's pretty darn hard to find!!!!