Friday, February 18, 2011


I have no strong feelings about politics one way or another. They really have no impact on most peoples school lives at all, I mean half the student body doesn't even vote because why would they? They have no incentive to ever even think about voting because no one really knows what the co-presidents do. From what I've noticed in the past few years at this school, they do nothing. It's as simple as that they basically do nothing except for occasionally speaking at assemblies and even when they have to do that either one or both of them are missing. To me this whole thing seems like a big waste of time.
            In my opinion I think that the co-pres’ should be chosen by the staff, you know some actual intelligent people who will know who can benefit our school. When students vote they pretty much just choose for their friend or whoever is the funniest. They don’t look at a single quality that could make them a good co-pres and they really just don’t care. So do I think that this political crap is important in our school? Hell no, and I never will.

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