Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Captain Quirk

Oh ho ho ho, I've seen some crazy ways of spending money in my days (which aren't too many) but this has got to be the stupidest I have ever seen. It seems that the british billionaire Richard Branson has lost a bet and will be assuming the role of a stewardess on an airline. Oh, but that's not the best part YOU (Yes that's right YOU) can shave his legs! Yes, you can shave Branson's legs for the small fee of $650 000... No you didn't misread that you had have to pay $650 000 to shave a mans legs! Stupid? Yes. Quirky? Yes A Complete waste of money? Abosulutely.

Does camel beat all meat? (Compliments to Tyler Hallman for that) Well according to one lone egyptian businessman, yes it does! He goes on to say how camel meat has less fat than any other meat which I think could make it quite popular over here. He also explains that it is already such a popular food where he lives which is why I'm surprised I have never heard of someone eating camel. Now I don't know about you but I would NOT stuff some dirty camel in my mouth, just look at the photo below and tell me that looks appetizing.

Simply Delicious

1 comment:

  1. Look at a picture of a cow...then tell me if that looks appetizing.
