Sunday, October 17, 2010

Media Round-Up


Motionless In White - Creatures

I really don't know what to say about this band, not because of their musical talents but because of their look. When I saw what this band looked like it honestly made me not want to listen to them and also like them a little less. So if any of you are planning to listen to these guys try to avert looking at any photos of them. That being said I am sitting at my computer right now listening to this album for about the tenth time this past few days and I have to say I really enjoy it. I mean sure the band used the word f*** pretty excessively and it feels rather unnecessary at certain parts of songs but I can hardly hold that against them seeing as how there's bands that do it much, much worse. The album starts out pretty solid with the first track having some impressive breakdowns and quite a few f-bombs but really the last 5 tracks of this album are the standouts. Their clean vocalist really does shine a lot more on tracks like Puppets and Scissorhands than on earlier tracks like Immaculate Misconception and Abigail. Also I do need to mention a speaking part in the 3rd track that just utterly makes me want to shoot myself. Overall I was thoroughly impressed by this album and I'll probably be playing it for a while. Oh and did I forget to mention the keys? The keys in this album are phenomenal and really make it more listenable and just add some layers to the band. I would recommend this to anyone who is a fan of the genre for those who aren't you probably won't find anything new to like here. 7.5/10

Standout Tracks: Puppets (The First Snow), Scissorhands (The Last Snow), .Com Pt. II

The Word Alive - Deceiver

About 10 seconds into this album I already knew that I was going to love this album. It's just something about this album that makes me want to keep listening. I was never a particularly big fan of The Word Alive in the past and I had never really gotten into anything they had ever done but I thought I might as well give this album a shot; and I'm so glad I did. As mentioned in the review above the keys were phenomenal and The Word Alive takes that to the next level their keys in a breakdown in 2012 is possibly one of the best breakdowns I have heard all year! If anyone thinks they've got a better one please post that song in the comments because I would sure love to hear it. the one bad thing I can say about this album is its length. I want it to be so much longer because I really enjoyed it that much! Now I know some people probably aren't into the metal/post-hardcore genre but this album is absolutely amazing. The lyrics are great along with all the instrumentals, I mean sure the clean vocalists voice sounds a little strained at times but really it isn't that prominent. Deceiver is possibly one of my favourite hardcore albums of the year but there's still a lot to choose from and I'll probably make a list at the end of the year. I can do nothing but recommend this to everyone who listens to music even remotely close to this genre. Go check this band and album out right now! Your life will be better having done so. 9/10

Standout Tracks: 2012, Consider It Mutual, Like Father Like Son


Dead Rising 2
Rated M

I've been playing this game a lot for the past week or two... I'm already on my third play through of it and I still really don't know how to rate this game. On one hand the gameplay, for the most part, is extremely fun and can entertain me for hours on end but on the the other hand the story is down right awful and the game can be extremely frustrating at times. Now don't get me wrong I've never played the first Dead Rising seeing as how I don't really play all too much on the 360 but from what I've heard it was also pretty damn frustrating. Now I really don't see why the chose to keep the 72 hour time limit in this game, I for one think it is completely stupid. I shouldn't have a time limit when I'm playing a game, especially an open world game where there is way too much to do in said time. I'm sure some will argue that this just adds some needed difficulty but no it just makes something that would be extremely fun completely tedious at points. While they did leave that in they changed some things for the better as well. Instead of taking pictures to level yourself up you now get leveled up faster by mixing weapons into awesome combinations that would make McGuyver blush. Also from what I've heard the survivor AI has been improved greatly which is also a good change for this game. Really what this boils down to is the core gameplay and how much fun it is and I'm a pleased to say its the most fun I've had killing zombies in pretty much any game. Many of the weapon combinations you make will probably offer a cheap laugh or two seeing as how ridiculous it is to combine a pipe and fireworks to make a rocket launcher and blow zombies into bits. The story is of course complete and utter bull****! But really what do you expect? it's a capcom game and no matter who you are you have to agree capcom does stories equivalent of a Michael Bay film. Dead Rising 2 is a great tie if you like killing zombies and you should definitely think about picking this one up. Especially if you have a friend with the game seeing as how there's added co-op play. Tape it or die!   8.5/10


Jackass 3-D
Rated 18A

I really don't even know how to open this review. Honestly finding words to describe this movie are pretty difficult to do. I went to the theatre on Saturday with a few of my friends expecting a good time watching these idiots do stupid stunts and that's exactly what I got. Jackass is back people and now it's in 3-D! I find it amazing that these guys, many of them probably nearing their 40's manage to keep doing these stunts without severely hurting themselves. This is the Jackass at its finest the stunts are great and they really just take everything to the next level. The 3-D in this movie is pretty great cause you get to really see all this gross stuff fly out at you during the movies it just adds a whole new layer to the movie. This also contains some of the grossest things they've ever shown in the series including the poo cocktail supreme which involves bungee cords, a porta potty and a lot of dog crap; I'm sure you can put the pieces together there. Sure there are some things that aren't too funny or go on way too long but that's what most of Jackass is just complete hit or miss but luckily most of the stuff is absolutely hilarious. I also need to mention a especially hilarious introduction from some old cartoon characters from a particular series which I won't mention cause I don't wanna ruin it for anyone. Overall Jackass 3-D was a hilarious movie that should make even the most uptight people feel immature from laughing at these stupid stunts. 8/10


  1. I can see why you would want to listen to them. I guess everyone has different music that is right for them. Good lucky with what you are doing sometimes its hard to make a review that doesnt sound like you want to make every listen to them or play that video game

  2. Yeah it is pretty hard but don't worry there will be some pretty negative reviews soon! I can't like everything forever
