Wednesday, October 20, 2010

One More Day In My Childhood

Fizzgig from The Dark Crystal

Let us go way back to my tender youth much before I liked many of the things I do today, and much before I hit puberty to, oh let's say the age of 8. I really don't know what I would do at that age nowadays I would probably notice how much worse cartoons have gotten over the years and just watch good ol' 90's cartoons that were actually amusing. I would probably be stunned by how good some kids movies have gotten but I'd also watch some older movies especially the Dark Crystal just because it is creepy as hell and I'm pretty sure scared every person that saw it as a child.

One of my favourite games as a kid
I would also probably play some video games that I grew up playing and really made a lot of my childhood such as Crash Bandicoot, Spyro and Sonic Adventure. Sure these games may not have the best graphics now but they are still more fun then most kids games made in the present. I've really noticed that too that a lot of stuff has really decreased in quality from when I was a kid an example is while I grew up watching Tales of the Cryptkeeper and the good Pokemon (you know with only 150 pokemon) while today they grow up on Hannah Montana and the new terrible pokemon (over 500 pokemon = STUPID). Most of all though I just wish I could have the simple life I did back then I wouldn't have to worry about money at all, hell I thought $5 was a fortune back then. I also wouldn't have to worry about work, or high school, or a future I could just be a worriless kid. That'd pretty much everything I would do if I had one more day as a child but I know it'll never happen so thanks a lot for making this a assignment and making me realize how much my current life pales in comparison to my childhood.


  1. Ah, so glad I could depress you, Mikey. Wait until you reach my age and you are even further removed from the days of cartoons and low-stress. Sigh. Okay. Now we're even.

  2. Well I guess we all have to grow up some day... sadly. Whatever though I'm sure I'll get over that fact someday!
