Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What REALLY pisses me off........................................... >:{)>

I would love to post about this right now but I really have no freakin clue what pisses me off. I could sit here thinking about it the entire class and not come up with anything! It just seems like too large of a question to answer that easily so I plan to answer it just not at the moment. but below I'll atleast post a few pictures of things that do piss me off. Ya know what I couldnt find any of that either so I'm just gonna post the most random things until I actually think of a good thing that makes me angry to write about which could probably be a while but ya know what doing this has actually pissed me off a little so i guess I can put that on a list! Posting about huge questions with millions of answers really just pisses me off! I really can't find anything and i hate it this is possibly the most annoying thing I've ever had to post! I would also bring up that being in a non semestered school really pisses me off! I hate having such a huge workload all piled up at the end of every year its just ridiculous that in this day and age we're still doing this! It's uneffective and students marks suffer because of it... especially mine! GAH!


  1. Nice rant, Mikey. You know what pisses me off? Students who DON'T USE PUNCTUATION OR PARAGRAPHS!
    I'm just sayin'...
