Thursday, December 9, 2010

Bring on the X-mas Cheer!!!!!!!!

To put it bluntly I mother F!%#ing love christmas!!!!!!!!! Not only is it the greatest holiday of the year but it's the best one too! Let's face it snow sucks so we might as well have something good about this season and that thing is Christmas! Presents also greatly add to the amazingness of Christmas and make lots of people look forward to it all year plus we get off of school for 2 weeks so that just makes it even better. I also LOVE christmas songs, well most of them, A lot of the Christmas songs get overplayed and just get plain ridiculous sometimes. I work at Sobeys and they play the same 5-10 christmas songs on repeat EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Needless to say it get's pretty ridiculous. Now the final reason I absolutely love Christmas is these pictures of cute animals at christmas time. These pictures could even make a grinch smile in delight, enjoy folks cause I know I did!

1 comment:

  1. Sickeningly cute animal pics should not be in the same post as the words "mother f@#$#%ing". Apply your wit and avoid the fake (or real) potty mouth writing in the new year. :)
