Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The year of 2010!

Ah what a year 2010 was! It was a whole 12 months of awesome! 365 days of amazing awesomness! 8760 hours of great times! 525 600 minutes of sweet sweet justice! 31 536 000 seconds of this grande year of greatness! An awesome 31 558 464 000 milliseconds of this somewhat satisfying year! Oh how sweet it was to see these things go by just like that! But that's just the thing: The year went by too fast. I don't know what's happening to me but it seems like time keeps going by faster and faster I feel like I'm losing control. I feel like I'm... changing... but I don't know how it's... strange I really don't know what's happening to me! At time I'm sitting in class being bored but then the next minute it's already the end of class, it doesn't seem possible. I seem to be growing stonger, the other day I lifted the couch in my living room with no struggle at all; what's happening to me? I think that I might have... superpowers. I have the feeling now that I can control time how else can you explain all the weird things going on this year? 2011 could not possibly come this fast any other way I swear that January 1 was just last week and it very well might have been. I think with some practice and a little concentration I can learn to control it and maybe even save the world. I'll need these powers to fight the evil forces at work in this school but I'm afraid I don't have much time! School will be over in a matter of months and I don't think I'll be strong enough by then. The 3 sisters are the devastating leaders of these forces and I really don't even know if I can take them on alone... they're just to powerful; I think I'm gonna need some help on this one. The sister's evil forces are moving in on me and the first sister herself is coming for me. I'm scared... my powers aren't strong enough... I don't know what to do... I'm a dead man.