Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dagon The Fish God Appreciation day

There are many gods and it may be hard to pick just one from the litter but for me one stands out more then the rest. That god my friends is Dagon the Fish God! He was once the god of the phillistines and the symbol of a fish in human form was really meant to represent  fertility and the vivifying powers of nature and reproduction. The Babylonians had an ancient myth that a being emrged from the Erythean Sea who was part man part fish. Now I don't know about you but that's pretty hard not to believe and if you don't I find your lack of faith disturbing. This truly epic god deserves a day to honour his wonderful being and to be remebered as the greatest god of them all. If anything he truly needs to be remembered because in all honesty who has even heard of Dagon? No one? I thought nought but nevermind that take some time out of your day to think about how this god hasntruly changed the way we look at life today because he definitely has had a very large impact on everyone's life; you all just don't see it yet. ALL HAIL DAGON THE FISH GOD!

EDIT: This just in folks, I've made a shocking discovery about Dagon! It appears as though people are still worshipping him today just under a slightly different name and form. Now just look at the picture below the resemblence is uncanny! I never thought in a million years that this god would return in a new form! But it is seen in this photo that it has been going on for years and no one even knew this. I really hope that this has opened everyone's eyes to the power of Dagon the Fosh God.

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