Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Thoughts on Graffiti

      I really could care less about graffiti; I don't do it, I don't want to do it and I probably never will do it. With all that said I really don't see what the big about it is. I mean it's just people making a boring old wall or some shitty old overpass into a work of art. I will admit that sometimes graffiti sucks and it's just not to nice to look at but whatever people are just going to have to learn to deal with it because I'm guessing it's not going to go away any time soon. In all seriousness though does this graffiti really affect anyones lives to much? Is it really hurting anyone in any way? No, I didn't think so it just sits there and does nothing. Honestly is anyone reallys going to care if some graffiti showed up on somethig they see every day (i.e. the school)? Probably not, they'll just go on with their lives but for some reason society has depicted this as a terrible act of vandilism.

        Now I haven't really gone anywhere with this and the truth is I'll probably just ramble on for another 20 minutes but who cares its writer's craft, right? Now I think that these vandals could indeed be artists if they really set their mind to it and did actual art instead of their stupid looking graffiti crap and in all reality anyone who does graffiti is just someone who probably couldn't make it in the art world or it's just a cry for attention and a way to go against society. If either of those are the case that's just freakin' sad! Oh you're not getting enough attention from mommy and daddy so you go spray paint some illeligible crap on a wall? Please spare us your attempts to rebel against society and leave everything as it is.

So far I've been fairly nice to the vandals (except for the last few lines of the last paragraph) but I'm about done being nice seeing as how I changed my mind half way through typing this post. In my opinion all these dirty vandals should be round up and executed! It should be a public event too, "Hey everyone, watch us vandalize the sidewalk with their brains!" Ah, that would be the day vandals being used as a from of vandlism it's a sort of ironic poetry we don't get enough in today's society. Now some people may say "But that seems irrational and mean!!" Well you damn babies how bout we climb back up in the womb and do it your precious "civilized" way and use some lethal injections! Does that sound good to you? Well it better because hopefully the future will be different, and not have mercy for stupic f***'s like these "artists" and put them where they belong: rotting in a cell with some guy named White Power Bill who's made them his bitch and intends to do unspeakable acts to them. Well that's my thoughts on these vandals thank you have a good day!!


  1. I feel like you generalize the graffiti artists by saying that they all want attention. There are artists out there, who don't just vandalize for the sake of vandalizing. One of the links that Feick provided led to an artist known as "Banksy" who's real identity has never been revealed. And there are some graffiti artists who also create and sell canvas art, like Omen from Montreal.

  2. @DYNOmite

    Well maybe this so called "Omen" fellow should leave his art on the canvas and off of the streets and I wasn't saying they all want attention just certain people do. I have no evidence to back that up but whatever it's simply my opinion.
