Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Opinions on Writer's Craft

Some of the activities I've found interesting in this class would be the editorials because I just find stuff like that easier to complete on time then let's say a story we come up with completely from scratch.
     The assignments that really bore me and/or drive me nuts are the blog entries you assign us simply because I just really don't like having to think of how to answer certain things and I would much rather come up with my own topics every week.
      As far as blogs go I moderately enjoy them when I get an opportunity to write about something I want to because It gives me a little bit of freedom and allows me to actually enjoy myself when writing.
      Now for the upcoming units... I really don't care for anything coming up except for short stories I suppose and I really wish we would've gotten to do more editorials of some sort because I would really like to get better at writing them.
       I feel I could improve on just about everything there is to improve on I really am not trying very hard at anything in this course and I really need to step up my game here and get my mark up because I already know it's going to be extremely low.
      As for what you could do to make me smile when I'm all old and such, could I possibly get some extra assignments to boost my mark up because I already know that I'm going to have to and I really want to improve how I'm doing in this class and also could I do something other than poetry I know it seems ridiculous but I really don't care for it and I doubt that I'm good at it. Now don't get me wrong I'll do poetry if I have to but i would just prefer not to. That is about all I have to say about the lovely class of writer's craft and to that I say good day.

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