Thursday, January 20, 2011

My anticipation for Dead Space 2

     I'm a horror fan. I'm just going to get that out of the way before I delve to deeply into this post but yeah I can't get enough horror to save my life. I guess I've always kind of been this way seeing as hwo I've been playing horror games since I was old enough to hold a controller and also the fact that I like most horror movies no matter how bad and/or cheesy they may end up being. Now a lot of you might not like horror or games or might not know what the hell Dead Space 2 is, If any of those things apply to you I would stop reading this post right... about... now! So it was october '08 when I purchased the original Dead Space and at the time I had been dissapointed by the lack of survival horror games that were actually good; Resident Evil had fallen into the depths of an action game and the F.E.A.R. games were just first-person shooters with a few scares here and there but really there has been nothing that had gotten me riled up. Dead Space changed all of this, I can't of a moment of this game that I didn't love and I'd stick by that statement to the death. It felt like such a breath of fresh air getting away from all of the call of dutys and other shit that's churned out every year.

     Now it's 2011 and in a mere 5 days the glorious Dead Space 2 will be shelves for me to get my greddy little hands on. I have been waiting for this moment ever since I witnessed the conclusion of the first game 2 years ago and I can't believe that it's actually here. I have been trying not to watch too much gameplay on it as I want most to come as a surprise to me and as of right now the only extended piece of gameplay that I've seen has been the demo which made me lose any doubts that I possibly had for the game. In all honestly I'm really hoping this game lives up to my expectations and keeps me on my toes throughout while offering some intense action sequences and awesome boss fights. I know most will just mark me off as nerdy and thinking that I have no life for being so excited about a video game and to them I can kindly say, "I don't care." I will get more enjoyment out of playing this game then most will get out of any movie, book, album, anything! Call me crazy, nerdy, obsessed, whatever I'm still gonna love this game and I am still going to die waiting the next five days to play it.

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